Fertility Treatment Ultrasound Scan

Fertility ultrasound scans for IVF / FET cycles


Are you having fertility treatment In Europe or further afield?

Your fertility clinic will need access to high resolution transvaginal ultrasound scans on certain days of your medicated cycle to measure your follicles (count and size) and to assess the size and pattern of your endometrium (lining). For IVF and FET it is normally between day 8 and day 10.

Over the last 8 years we have scanned many patients that have had fertility treatment abroad. We know exactly what your fertility clinic will need to see on the report for your treatment. We understand your report is time sensitive and needs to be sent to your coordinator straight away so that your treatment care plan goes to schedule.

No referral is required however you will need to provide your coordinator email address to send the report to. All reports are emailed to both you and your coordinator after your scan. We have been using this report template for the last 8 years. It is a quick and efficient way of getting the important diagnostic information to your clinic to assist in your fertility treatment.

We have established connections with all of the main fertility clinics in Europe including Genet, IVF CUBE, Serum Greece, IVF Barcelona, Instituto Bernabeu and many more. 


IVF Treatment Ultrasound Scans

IVF treatment ultrasound scans
– Your fertility clinic may ask you to provide a pre-treatment ultrasound scan to assess your
pelvic anatomy prior to a consultation or you may be requested to book an ultrasound during your IVF or FET treatment to find out information on your medicated cycle.

Our scans will look at the following:



Assess the size and shape and orientation of your uterus


Assess the endometrial cavity pattern ( lining of your womb) and height


Outrule or identify if uterine fibroids are present and location


Outrule any possible ovarian or uterine pathology


Calculate the volume of the ovaries

Complete an antral follicle count on each ovary ( if pre-treatment) or a pre-treatment scan can be completed at any stage of your cycle however some clinics may specify a particular time of your cycle for the scan.

If you know the date you need your scan

Fertility imaging also works hand in hand with Irish fertility clinics. We are proud to be affiliated with SIMS IVF. We can scan you mid cycle so you can avoid the journey to Dublin.

Our agreement with SIMS ensures your scan is covered as part of your treatment plan.

We have also partnered with Dr Lyuda Skrobot in Unqlife www.unqlife.ie                                          

If you plan to attend any of these clinics for treatment you can request some of your scans to be completed by our clinic in Galway to avoid the journey to Dublin.